Here's how you can stay safe this Christmas amid rising coronavirus cases in Pakistan

NCOC issues list of dos and don'ts ahead of Christmas

Web Desk
Karachi residents seen doing some Christmas shopping at Bohri Bazaar, on December 19, 2020. — APP/M Saeed Qureshi

The National Command and Operations Centre (NCOC), a government organisation set up to combat the coronavirus, has issued instructions on how you can stay safe this Christmas.

According to a statement by the NCOC, travel should be kept to a minimum during the Christmas holidays and Christmas shopping should be limited to essential items.

The NCOC has expressed concern that the traditional exchange of gifts could also spread the virus.

Large indoor gatherings should be avoided during the second wave of coronavirus.

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Visitors to the church should be thermally scanned and hand sanitisers should be provided at the church door.

Church windows and doors should be opened for ventilation on Christmas day, benches should be washed regularly with chlorinated water, and the use of masks ensured. Handshakes should be avoided.

The NCOC has instructed that those under the age of 15, those who are sick as well as the elderly, must not be taken to church prayers.

During the last 24 hours, the most number of deaths were recorded in Punjab (36) followed by Sindh (32).

Read more: What are the reasons behind a worsening coronavirus situation in Pakistan?

In all, over the last 24 hours, 87 people died — 45 of whom passed away on ventilators. Moreover, 3,179 people tested positive for the virus, according to NCOC.