PTI's Zulfi Bukhari features on HELLO! magazine's Hot 100 cover

Sayed Zulfikar Bukhari says "surviving the onslaught of our irresponsible media" is his biggest achievement

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Sayed Zulfikar Bukhari. Photo: HELLO!

As 2020 comes to an end, HELLO! Pakistan released its Hot 100 edition, and guess who is featured on the cover?

Sayed Zulfiqar Bukhari - the British-Pakistani businessman who is currently serving as the Special Assistant to Prime Minister Imran Khan on Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development. 

"Unveiling the most exciting issue of the year, our HELLO! HOT 100," wrote the magazine. "Gracing the cover of our most awaited issue of the year is none other than Zulfi Bukhari, who is a rare combo of good looks and diligence."

A close aide of the premier, Zulfi Bukhari thanked the publication for the shout out. "Feels great to be honoured for efforts for Pakistan."

Read more: Did Zulfi Bukhari go to Israel? 

PM Imran Khan - an inspiration

In his interview, Zulfi Bukhari said his inspiration to join politics was cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan. "First and foremost, what sets PM Imran Khan apart is that there’s no other politician in Pakistan who is Sadiq and Ameen, if you look at any other leader, none of them have those qualities."

Zulfi Bukhari said, "Imran Khan had put Pakistan on the map a very long time before even becoming prime minister, he was a globally known cricketer, a celebrity, a philanthropist, and a politician."

The British-Pakistani said PM Imran Khan has set the bar in everything he does. "For instance, he could don a chappal and whether it is nice or ugly, you see it becoming a hit. Nawaz and Bilawal, on the other hand, may wear anything and you’d never see it becoming a hit."

Biggest achievements and fears

His biggest achievement? "Surviving the onslaught of our irresponsible media," quipped the SAPM. 

Zulfi Bukhari said he would like to improve his Urdu and Punjabi and learn to be more patient. "But most of all, I’m trying to perfect the art of keeping a poker face."

The British-Pakistani said he most feared "disappointing people and mentor – PM Imran Khan".

Also read: Zulfi Bukhari takes a brief sojourn in UK

On the Opposition

When asked if he had a chance to permanently change one thing about Pakistan what would it be, his response was "Fazl ur Rehman".

"Eleven parties getting together is just one big roaming circus," said Zulfi Bukhari. "So far, they’re just trying to figure out who’s the monkey and who’s the elephant (in the room). But as a government official, I appreciate them for abiding by the SOPs and keeping plenty of spaces between each other. If I had to rate our government’s performance, I would give us seven out of 10."