WATCH: Pod of ten whales wash up on UK beach

Rescuers say the whales were malnourished, adding that the team could not do anything to save the creatures

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  • A pod of ten whales beached themselves on a beach in the UK
  • Rescuers said six out of the ten whales have already died
  • Most of the whales were malnourished and had not eaten in a while
  • They said they cannot save the remaining four either due to their sizes

A Pod of ten whales have washed up on a beach in the UK, out of which six have reportedly died already.

According to a report by,  British Divers Marine Life Rescue team says they cannot go close to remaining four whales for safety reasons, adding that the would not be able to save the poor creatures. 

Per the report, the whales were spotted on a beach between Tunstall and Withernsea, in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

Related: Watch: Fishermen spot rare Arabian humpback whales near Pasni

According to British Divers Marine Life Rescue spokesperson Julia Cable, her team reached the site and found out that the whales were malnourished.

"If we can get to them, it wouldn't be a rescue, we can't do anything and we can't put them to sleep due to their size," Cable told the outlet. "They haven't eaten for a long time, they are in the wrong place. We are just going to observe them."

Why whales beach themselves?

According to marine biologists, mass whale strandings are not unknown and have occurred throughout recorded modern history. They are, however, are uncertain about the reason behind this behaviour.

A similar incident occurred last month in New Zealand after more than 100 whales washed up on the country's remote Chatham Islands.

According to Reuters, rescue workers tried to help the whales and dolphins by trying to push them back into the ocean, but the remote location of the island hindered rescue efforts.

Read more: Whale found dead on Gwadar coast, cause of death unknown