Ivanka Trump reacts to Karlie Kloss's unexpected tweets about US Capitol breach

Ivanka Trump was mostly surprised about Karlie Kloss's remarks because they never really about politics

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Ivanka Trump was mostly surprised on Karlie Kloss's remarks because they never really about politics

Ivanka Trump is not shying away from expressing how she felt about Karlie Kloss's public remarks about the Capitol Hill breach by Trump supporters.

As per sources, Ivanka was left “surprised and hurt” by sister-in-law Karlie Kloss’ social media comments, mostly because of how close they are.

Condemning Trump's speech wherein he called rioters 'patriots', Kloss, who’s married to Josh Kushner — the younger brother of Ivanka’s husband, Jared — tweeted, “Accepting the results of a legitimate democratic election is patriotic. Refusing to do so and inciting violence is anti-American.”

A friend of the family revealed: “The tweet was brought to Ivanka’s attention and she was mostly surprised because they’re so close and talk on a regular basis, but never really about politics.”

“Karlie likes to position herself publicly as an activist, yet she’s never approached Ivanka on any of the issues [the model has] championed like paid maternal leave, women in STEM and criminal justice reform," the insider added.

“Karlie is public with her politics, but privately shies away from discussing them,” they said. But they are very close and they really enjoy each other’s company, so Ivanka is hurt," the source further said.