January 16, 2021
ISLAMABAD: The Prime Minister's Performance Delivery Unit (PMDU) has cautioned users against clicking any fake web link or downloading any application circulating on social media, websites and blogs that mimicks the Pakistan Citizen's Portal (PCP).
The PMDU in a statement said: “Please be aware of any fake web link/application regarding Pakistan Citizen's Portal (PCP) circulating on social media, websites and blogs.”
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It clarified that the app is only available on the links shared on the verified Twitter handle of the PMDU.
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What is Pakistan Citizen's Portal?
The PCP is an integrated citizens grievance redressal system connecting all government organizations both at federal and provincial levels established on the orders of Prime Minister Imran Khan.
The system serves as a carrier of complaints to their respective offices across all over Pakistan. The citizens are enabled to provide feedback once a complaint is marked resolved by an officer. The feedback is linked to an officer’s performance.
The PCP app provides a hassle-free interface to citizens to connect with government at all levels.