Shafqat Mehmood announces PTI govt's civil services reforms

New policies for promotion, premature retirement, efficiency and discipline, appointment in MP scale, rotation; and strength of Pakistan Administrative Service announced by Shafqat Mehmood

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Shafqat Mehmood addressing a press conference. Photo: Radio Pakistan
  • Promotions, rotations, retirement policies announced
  • Pakistan Administrative Service strength decreased

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister Shafqat Mehmood on Wednesday announced measures taken by the incumbent government on civil reforms.

In his election campaign, the PTI chief had pledged to bring about wide-ranging reforms in the system and introduce a system of internal accountability to encourage competent officials and weed out inefficient people. Less than a month after assuming premiership, Imran Khan set up a task force to revamp bureaucracy.

The Civil Service has seen many reforms and the incumbent government’s efforts will be another step to transform the service, ensuring that the best officers reach the top slots who were dedicated to service.

Today, the Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training, who also heads the Cabinet Committee on Institutional Reforms, addressed a press conference on the measures taken by PM Imran Khan for civil service reforms designed to improve governance.

Mehmood said the government has introduced reforms in promotion, premature retirement, efficiency and discipline, appointment in MP scale, rotation; and strength of Pakistan Administrative Service.

A quick look at the reforms:

Promotion: this will depend on a process involving a 40% share of Annual Confidential Reports, 30% of training, and 30% from board evaluation. The promotion of an official facing a reference will be deferred.

Premature retirement: Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) chairman will decide the cases from BS-20 while the decisions from scales 17 to 19 will be taken by the secretary and up to 16th scale by a senior joint secretary.

Three below average or average ACRs can serve a ground for premature retirement of an official while the plea bargain option availed by an official can also provide ground for retirement.

Amendments in Efficiency and Discipline rules: An inquiry committee will give its decision in 60 days, and the authority will take the decision of punishment in 30 days. Disciplinary action may also be taken against the person availing plea bargain option in a case. Multiple inquires against an official will be clubbed.

Appointment in MP scale: The period has been increased from two to three years, and it can be further extended. A post on the MP scale can be publicised and a suitable person can also be picked from the market.

Rotation: No officer can stay in provinces beyond 10 years. The promotion has also been linked to a rotation policy.

Pakistan Administrative Service: the strength has also been decreased.