French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo attacked

PARIS: The offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo have been destroyed by a petrol bomb, French police say and as reported by aBritish TV.It comes a day after the publication of a...

French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo attacked
PARIS: The offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo have been destroyed by a petrol bomb, French police say and as reported by a
British TV.

It comes a day after the publication of a highly sacrilegious matter relating to the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.a.w).

The magazine said the move was intended to "celebrate" the victory of an Islamist party in last month's Tunisian elections.

Charlie Hebdo's editor is quoted as saying: "We no longer have a newspaper. All our equipment has been destroyed."

A witness at the scene, Patrick Pelloux, told AFP news agency that a Molotov cocktail was hurled through an office window and that it set fire to the computer system. "Everything was destroyed," he said. There have been no reports of injuries.

Charlie Hebdo's website has also been hacked with a message in English and Turkish attacking the magazine.