Celebrities voice support for PM Imran Khan: 'With you my Captain!'

Shaan Shahid, Omair Rana, Rohail Hyatt, Imran Abbas and many more celebrities voiced support for PM Imran

Web Desk
Shaan Shahid, Omair Rana, Rohail Hyatt, Imran Abbas and many more celebrities voiced support for the PM

As Prime Minister Imran Khan seeks vote of confidence in the National Assembly on Saturday, the who’s who of Pakistani showbiz industry are supporting the premier.

Shaan Shahid, Omair Rana, Rohail Hyatt, Imran Abbas and many more celebrities stepped forth to extend support to PM Khan.

“Whether you are in power or in opposition, the voice of truth, the voice of the people of Pakistan will always be spoken by you. Some battles lost cannot predict the outcome of the war. May you win the war of truth, honesty, hope and justice,” wrote Shaan.

Music icon Rohail Hyatt stood behind PM Khan as he wrote on Twitter: “In my lifetime I have only had the privilege of calling one person my leader. This person is Imran Khan. Honestly outweighs everything else IMO. Setbacks aside, I am certain he will succeed in his mission IA.”

Meanwhile, TV actor Omair Rana tweeted: “To hide behind a hypocrite one has to be smaller than him. Imran Khan is too big for these sell-outs and buyouts. With you my Captain." 

Imran Abbas also turned to Instagram and penned a supportive message for the premier ahead of the vote of confidence.