Fawad Chauhdry takes a jibe at Opposition after deputy chairman Senate victory

Chaudhry "happy" over no votes going to waste in deputy chairman Senate election

Web Desk
Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry. — File photo

  • Chaudhry "happy" over no votes going to waste in deputy chairman Senate election.
  • Passes witty remark that Opposition senators "learning ability was very good".
  • Opposition faced defeat in today's deputy and chairman Senate elections.

Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry took a jibe at the Opposition after the government scored a major victory in Senate — winning both the chairman and deputy chairman of Senate posts.

Taking to Twitter, the federal minister said he was happy over no vote going to waste during the deputy chairman Senate election, as was seen in chairman Senate's election, where eight votes were rejected.

"Fortunately, not a single vote was rejected in the deputy chairman's vote. It shows that the learning ability of the Opposition senators is quite good," the minister quipped.

Earlier, government-backed Mirza Mohammad Afridi was elected as deputy chairman Senate with 54 votes, while the Opposition's candidate Maulana Ghafoor Haideri secured 44 votes.