March 29, 2021
Lili Reinhart has called on people to accept and celebrate their imperfections to the fullest.
The Riverdale star dispelled unreasonable body image standards that the society sets for everyone, while speaking at the 'Glamour 2018 Women of the Year Summit.'
Talking about how she encouraged herself to look beyond the flaws, Reinhart said, “I started to purge myself of content that made me feel less beautiful on a daily basis. I unfollowed the accounts on Instagram that made me question the shapes and curves of my own body. I also started living a more active lifestyle ’cause I wanted to feel more healthy on the inside."
“From a young age, we are unknowingly being trained by magazines, marketing and all forms of media into thinking that having cellulite, or not wearing makeup is worthy of being publicly shamed… We are told to be insecure about certain things. We are conditioned to feel ashamed or embarrassed about certain parts of ourselves,” she added.
Reinhart added that the best way is to change it ourselves by “showing what’s real with no filters and certainly with no shame."
“You can be naturally beautiful with acne, or scars, cellulite or curves. So, let’s celebrate each other and ourselves, as we are, as we will be and as we were meant to be. Unique, imperfect, beautiful and so incredibly powerful," the actress concluded.