Prince Harry, Meghan Markle bashed over ‘astonishing’ Prince Philip tribute

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle have again come under fire for their astonishing tribute to the late Prince Philip

Web Desk

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have found themselves on the wrong side of social media with their soulless tribute to Prince Philip on the event of his death.

For those unaware, Harry and Meghan darkened Archewell with a solemn few words for the war hero and it read, “IN LOVING MEMORY OF His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh 1921-2021. Thank you for your will be greatly missed."

Even though the couple’s tribute mimicked that of the royal family, fans came in with pitchforks against the royals with many dubbing it “Deeply disrespectful.”

Many leaders and experts also pointed blame towards the lackluster tribute and Brexit leader Nigel Farage took to Twitter writing, "For a couple that do public emotion as a career, this third-person and one-sentence statement shows their contempt for this great man and the monarchy. The British public will not welcome Harry and Meghan back, even for the funeral.”

The editor for The Sun also came forward and claimed, "I am astonished at the lack of affection in the Harry and Meghan statement. It read; ‘Thank you for your service. You will be greatly missed.’ He wasn't a distant relative they hadn't seen in years. Philip was his grandfather for God's sake. Where's the love? LA is ruining him.”

Even Rita Panahi noted how Donald Trump’s message for the monarch’s husband had more emotion than that of his grandson. She wrote, “More heartfelt message than the single glib line Harry & Meghan released.”