Oprah Winfrey weighs in on childhood trauma

Oprah Winfrey recently shed light on all the trauma she dealt with as a child

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Oprah Winfrey weighs in on childhood trauma
Oprah Winfrey weighs in on childhood trauma

TV show host Oprah Winfrey recently sat down for a chat and got candid about the entire trauma she underwent as a child.

The star wore her heart on her sleeve during her interview on the Drew Barrymore Show and was quoted saying, “I know this for sure that whatever has happened to you can also be for you. I endured suffering to survive as a child and turning that inside out.”

“So that is why I created my school specifically looking for girls who are just like me. Girls who came from poor backgrounds, who came from dysfunctional backgrounds and many times felt unwanted. I thought, how do I create an environment for them, how do I give back. This is how you save yourself!”