Disagreements on key issues persist in Iran nuclear talks: US advisor

Negotiations have been going on in Vienna since April to work out steps Iran and the US must take on the nuclear pact

Disagreements on key issues persist in Iran nuclear talks: US advisor
US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. Photo: File

  • Negotiations have been going on in Vienna since April to work out steps Iran and the US must take on to return to full compliance with the nuclear pact.
  • Negotiators for Iran and six world powers will adjourn talks, return to respective capitals for consultations on Sunday.
  • US advisor says ultimate decision lies with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei regardless of new president Ebrahim Rais.

WASHINGTON: US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday that disagreements on key issues persist between Iran and the world powers in talks to revive their 2015 nuclear deal, adding that the final decision on the issue was in the hands of Iranian supreme leader not the newly elected president.

"There is still a fair distance to travel on some of the key issues, including on sanctions and on the nuclear commitments that Iran has to make, Sullivan told "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" on ABC television.

Negotiations have been going on in Vienna since April to work out the nature and sequencing of steps Iran and the United States must take on nuclear activities and sanctions to return to full compliance with the nuclear pact.

Read more: US plans to lift sanctions inconsistent with Iran nuclear deal

Tehran's delegation chief said negotiators for Iran and six world powers will adjourn talks on Sunday and return to respective capitals for consultations.

"We will see if the Iranian negotiators come to the next round of talks prepared to make hard choices that they have to make," Sullivan said.

Ebrahim Raisi won Iran's presidential election on Friday and will take office in early August, replacing pragmatist Hassan Rouhani.

Asked if Raisi's election increased the chances of a deal, Sullivan said the ultimate decision was with the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. "He was the same person before this election as he is after the election, so ultimately it lies with him and his decision," he said.