When will season 3 of Kurulus: Osman release?

When will season 3 of Kurulus: Osman release?

Web Desk
When will season 3 of Kurulus:Osman release?

The final episode of season 2 of popular Turkish series "Kurulus: Osman" was released on the Turkish TV channel on Wednesday.

The historical series is watched by millions of people online with subtitles after it is aired in Turkey.

Directed by Mehmet Bozdag, "Kurulus: Osman" is set to return for the third season.

Shortly after the finale of the second season was aired on TV, fans started wondering on social media as to when will the third season arrive.

While the makers of the hit TV series have not given any release date, it is expected that the third season will start airing in early 2022.

"Kurulus: Osman" tells the story of the founder of the Ottoman Empire. The series is the sequel to "Dirilis: Ertugrul", a series about the father of Osman.