Billie Eilish graces Rolling Stone cover again

American music sensation Billie Eilish graced the cover of Rolling Stone once again

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Billie Eilish graces Rolling Stone cover again

American music sensation Billie Eilish has once again appeared on the cover of the US monthly magazine, Rolling Stone while sporting a button-down blouse along with her newfound blond locks.

Earlier, the 19-year-old music megastar graced the cover of Rolling Stone in August 2019. She then rocked a spiked collar, claw-like nails and a ferocious teen glare.

Her snaps were captured by photographer Yana Yatsuk. “I feel like there’s an intimacy to [the photos],” Yana Yatsuk said. “It’s a little more real to me, a little less perfect. It feels like a boyfriend would have shot it.”

Based in Los Angeles, Yana Yatsuk is known for her amazingly profiling several famous women for Rolling Stone, including songwriter and producer Teddy Geiger, Oscar winner Regina King, and the members of Haim.

Billie Eilish looked thoroughly comfortable with Yana Yatsuk, who said the shoot came as naturally as it appears in the photos. “I pitched a rough [idea], but [Billie and I] seemed to really align from the beginning,” Yatsuk said.

Yana Yatsuk's laid-back style helped improvise the casual feel of the afternoon. The highlight of the photoshoot was Billie Eilish sitting in a banyan tree. Yana Yatsuk wanted a tree swing for her next snap when Billie Eilish blurted out: “I love climbing trees!” Then, she scrambled barefoot over the roots, providing a picture-perfect moment for camera-ready Yana Yatsuk. 

Billie Eilish graces Rolling Stone cover again