Prince Harry, Meghan Markle accused of ‘calculatedly omitting’ Kate Middleton

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle under fire for allegedly trying to ‘omit’ Kate Middleton from the Afghanistan statement

Web Desk

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle recently came under fire for allegedly trying to ‘calculatedly omit’ Kate Middleton from their Afghanistan statement.

This claim has been made by royal expert Daniela Elser and during her interview with, she hinted towards the existence of “calculate omissions” by the couple.

She was also quoted saying, “Harry and Meghan have turned their backs on one of Kate Middleton’s most personal projects in a snub to the palace.”

“But where things start to get a tad sticky is the handy resources section they included, following their statement on their website which offered up a selection of charities to support and mental health resources.”

“On this front, their suggestions were the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the Loveland Foundation and Project Health Minds. Very conspicuously not on the list? You spotted it, I’m sure. Heads Together.”

“Why oh why wasn’t the very successful mental health organisation Harry himself helped co-found on the list? In the light of the events of more recent times, given the brotherly feuding, the score-setting TV outbursts and thin-lipped leaking to the media, the question is, was the decision to not include Heads Together simply accidental or a more pointed move?”

Before concluding she added, “Was this down to a simple consequence of having an all-American team of functionaries and aides myopically focused on all things Stars and Stripes? Or a more calculated omiss