Prince William shares young Prince George's dislike for litterbugs

"He's like, 'Well, we cleaned this. Why has it not gone away?" shares Prince William

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Prince William shares young Prince Georges dislike for litterbugs
Prince William shares young Prince George's dislike for litterbugs 

Prince William's son, Prince George, is concerned about the litterers around him.

In a recent interview with BBC, the Duke of Cambridge talked about how his eight-year-old son is trying to make sense of the pollution and littering around him. The clip from the interview was later share to Prince William and Kate Middleton's official Instagram account.

"George at school recently has been doing litter picking, and I didn't realize but talking to him the other day he was already showing that he was getting a bit confused," said the Duke of Cambridge, 39. "[He was] a bit sort of annoyed by the fact they went out litter picking one day and then the very next day, they did the same route, same time and pretty much all the same litter they picked up was back again."

He continued, "And I think that for him, he was trying to understand how and where it all came from. He couldn't understand, he's like, 'Well, we cleaned this. Why has it not gone away?'"

Prince William's interview comes ahead of the first Earthshot Prize Awards ceremony this weekend.