Will Smith shares how Venus, Serena Williams reacted to father's biography

Will Smith plays the role of Venus and Serena Williams' father Richard Williams

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Will Smith shares how Venus, Serena Williams reacted to fathers biography

Will Smith has shared how Venus and Serena Williams reacted when he took on the role of their father in the movie King Richard.

In an appearance on The Tonight Show, the Oscar nominee shared that he played the famous athlete sisters’ father Richard Williams and was waiting eagerly on their reaction.

"Venus and Serena were really excited about the possibility. And they said that they would potentially be executive producers and they would walk us through the whole process, but they were going to withhold whether or not they put their names on the film until they saw it," said Smith.

"So then I get the call that Venus and Serena are walking into the theater to see the film," he continued. 

"It's the worst two hours ever. The worst two hours. Because you spent so much time creating these things, and there is literally only one audience when you do it. ... You hope that they like it."

Fortunately, the stars gave their approval for the movie as Smith said: "Venus and Serena cried all the way through. They loved it."