Meghan Markle has this major benefit if deciding to enter politics

Meghan Markle's move to California seems to have been for a certain political edge

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Meghan Markle’s move to the US, in particular California, may have had some major planning.

According to US politics professor Richard Johnson, Meghan’s celebrity status as well as her California residence allows her to “bypass the normal routes”.

“I think Americans take a very keen interest in British royalty, and there is a lot of attention from the US public whenever there are stories relating to the British Royal Family," he said while speaking to Express. 

"I think that particularly in a state like California, that has shown itself to elect stars, it could help to have that kind of 'stardust' one might say – I don’t think that would harm her.

"There is some record of celebrity politicians doing pretty well in the US.

"Obviously [Meghan and Harry] are based in California and California has produced Ronald Reagan, who was an actor, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was an actor.

"And there have also been successful celebrities elected to the Senate. Al Franken was a Saturday night live comedian elected to the Senate for Minnesota.

"There have been astronauts elected – Buzz Aldren I believe from Ohio.

"So there is, in the US, a pretty storied history of celebrity politicians who bypass the normal routes of going up the greasy pole through the lower levels of state government and congress and just leapfrog into the higher echelons.”