WATCH: PM Imran Khan speaks of conviction sportsmen have for victory

PM Imran Khan expresses confidence in getting bills tabled by govt passed in tomorrow's joint Parliament session

Ayaz Akbar Yousafzai
Web Desk

Prime Minister Imran Khan is confident about becoming successful in getting the legislation on electronic voting machines, NAB and other issues — proposed by the government — approved at the joint Parliament's session convened on Wednesday.

Taking to his official Instagram account, the premier shared a video in which he could be seen speaking about the session tomorrow while climbing down the stairs and said: "A sportsman is always sure about winning right from the moment he puts his foot in the field."

PM Imran Khan was accompanied by federal ministers Asad Umar, Fawad Chaudhry and Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar.

Opposition 'fearful of a machine'

Earlier in the day, PM Imran Khan had said he finds it surprising the Opposition is fearful of a machine, referring to the electronic voting machine the government aims to introduce prior to the next general elections so voting can take place "transparently".

His remarks came during the launch ceremony of the Lilla-Jhelum Dual Carriageway, which was inaugurated with the touch of a button on a large display screen by the premier.

"I was reflecting on the fact that we used technology and inaugurated this project with the touch of a hand, and that technology has come so far.

"I am surprised to see the Opposition [resist technology], insisting that voting take place traditionally," the prime minister said.

He said "the whole world" now uses technology for voting so it can be a "better, more transparent exercise".

"I am surprised the Opposition have a problem with it; they are afraid of a machine or I don't know of what," PM Imran Khan said.