Prince Charles is a man ahead of his time says Barbados Prime Minister

Prince Charles was in Barbados as the country cut its ties with Queen Elizabeth

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Prince Charles is a man ahead of his time says  Barbados Prime Minister

Prime Minister of Barbados Mia Mottley on Tuesday praised Prince Charles in her address to the new Republic. 

She said the Prince of Wales is “a man ahead of his time” particularly on climate change and promoting youth opportunity. 

She also committed Barbados to the Commonwealth under Charles’ future leadership.

Barbados  formally declared itself the world´s newest republic at the stroke of midnight on November 30, as the Caribbean island nation removed Queen Elizabeth II as head of state in a solemn ceremony Tuesday attended by her son Prince Charles.

Symbolizing the historic handover, the Royal Standard flag representing the queen was lowered during a ceremony inaugurating the current governor-general, Dame Sandra Mason, as the first president of Barbados.

"I, Sandra Prunella Mason, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Barbados according to law, so help me God," the new president said in taking the oath of office.

The new era for the nation of 285,000 ends Britain´s centuries of influence, including more than 200 years of slavery until 1834.

Barbados, famous for its idyllic beaches and love of cricket, won independence from Britain in 1966.

In October, it elected Mason its first president, one year after Prime Minister Mia Mottley declared the country would "fully" leave behind its colonial past.

Charles used his speech in Barbados to stress continuing ties between the two countries, including through the Commonwealth group of nations.

But there has been local criticism of the decision to invite Charles as guest of honor, and award him the Order of Freedom of Barbados, the highest national honor.