Queen's intruder carried strange crossbow during Windsor Castle break-in

Queen Elizabeth's Windsor Castle intruder instantly arrested

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Queens intruder carried strange crossbow during Windsor Castle break-in
Queen's intruder carried strange crossbow during Windsor Castle break-in

Queen Elizabeth II's Christmas Day brought a major security threat for the monarch when young man tried to break into the Windsor Castle.

According to Thames Valley Police, a 19-year-old man from Southampton breached security to enter the castle premises. The man was later identified and arrested.

However, The Sunday Mirror reported to the trespasser carried a crossbow with him.

One source said: “Security controllers monitoring the CCTV couldn’t believe their eyes when they spotted the man carrying what appeared to be a crossbow and scrambled armed police to the scene immediately as a top-level emergency.

“A full-scale protection plan was executed to ensure the safety of the Queen, who was in her personal quarters.

“It was a really professional response from everyone, but it was hugely alarming to witness the intruder on the scene.

The 95-year-old was waiting for sons Prince Charles and Prince Edward inside the castle when the “top-level emergency” was raised. The Queen was aware of the actual situation, but was marked safe due to in-time security call.