Queen enjoys spotting mistakes in historic TV shows

Queen's favourite TV show is Downton Abbery

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Queen enjoys spotting mistakes in historic TV shows
Queen enjoys spotting mistakes in historic TV shows 

Queen Elizabeth II loves watching TV shows with her family and greatly enjoys pointing out factual mistakes made by filmmakers in the projects.

Brian Hoey, the author of At Home With The Queen shared his conversations from a member in Buckingham Palace, spilling details about the monarch's favourite show, Downton Abbey.

Mr Hoey told The Daily Telegraph: “We were talking about Trooping the Colour and how the Queen always notices if anything is not quite right, such as one young officer she spotted wearing his medals in the wrong order not long ago.

“Apparently, she is exactly the same when she is watching the television.

“She loves watching Downton Abbey and pointing out things they have got wrong, partly because she is familiar with Highclere Castle, where it is filmed.

“She used to stay there as a guest of the Carnarvon family. She is the same when she is watching anything on television. In one programme she was watching, the Queen noticed that a British officer was wearing medals that were from the wrong era," added Hoey.

“It was set in the First World War, but the medals he was wearing did not come in until the Second World War," said Mr. Hoey, pointing out the mistake.