Ben Affleck was made to 'run in the gym' for his 'Armageddon' role

Ben Affleck shares how he was made to work out by film directors

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Ben Affleck was made to run in the gym for his Armageddon role
Ben Affleck was made to 'run in the gym' for his 'Armageddon' role

Ben Affleck was asked to get his teeth fixed to fulfill role expectations of the film Armageddon.

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, the star revealed how he was 'naive' about his looks until directors of the 1998 film asked him to step up his game.

"I was a little naive about the opinions people would form about me,or Michael [Bay] and Jerry [Bruckheimer]'s focus on aesthetics, like, "You guys gotta go to the tanning bed!" he shared.

Affleck continued, "They made me fix my teeth and work out and be sexy. Be sexy, how do I do that? "Go to the gym!" Running in the gym and putting oil on my body and stuff, and it just turned out to be a long-form version of one of those male topless calendars, in a garage, carrying a tire, kind of greased up."

The directors wanted "a glistening male torso in the oil, and he was like, "That's going to go in the trailer and sell tickets!"'added Affleck.

Despite bad reviews, his kids love the movie, adds the Gone Girl actor.

"it's funny because that's the one movie of mine that my kids have watched and they'll kind of all admit to liking, even though they relentlessly mock it and me,' the star said. '"What are you, driving a tank on the moon?" But they had fun, you know what I mean? They won't even watch The Town. So there you have it."