Prince Harry’s security concerns branded ‘extraordinary’: report

Royal experts speak out about Prince Harry’s ‘extraordinary’ security concerns and the precedent they set

Web Desk

Experts believe Prince Harry’s ‘extraordinary’ security concerns could end up setting quite the precedent over security back home in the UK.

This claim has been brought to light by royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams. He dubbed Prince Harry’s security threat “extraordinary” in an interview with Express UK.

There he claimed, “However, that Harry is seeking a judicial review which could, in theory, lead to a court case against the Government on this issue is in itself extraordinary.”

"His fear that the tragic death of his mother might in some way be repeated is very real, we know how emotionally affected he has been since that awful tragedy.”

“It isn’t a matter of entitlement but of common sense, that a solution is found to this issue, even if it means a precedent is set.”