Why Queen refuses to eat square shaped sandwiches

It is no secret that the Queen has some eyebrow-raising traditions when it comes to food but this particular one may be quite superstitious

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Why Queen refuses to eat square shaped sandwiches

It is no secret that the Queen has some eyebrow-raising traditions when it comes to food.

However, tradition goes as far as even dictating what shapes are not likable when it comes to presenting food.

According to former royal chef Graham Newbould the royal family never ate sandwiches or any other food items that were presented in the shape of a square.

While speaking in documentary Secrets of the Royal Kitchen, the former royal chef explained that this bizarre tradition is followed because it is believed that anyone presenting "pointed-edged" food is looking to overthrow the monarch.

"The royals never have square sandwiches because tradition has it that anyone presenting them with pointed-edged food is trying to overthrow the throne of England," he said.

Historically, Queen Victoria’s husband Prince Albert also had a similar habit where he avoided food that resembled the shape of a coffin as he believed that it would be unlucky for him.