Watch: Forest official captures slithering cobra

Trained woman official can be seen deftly handling reptile in video

Web Desk
Representational image. — iStock/File
Representational image. — iStock/File

  • Woman official swiftly captures slithering cobra.
  • Rescue operation is taken out at a house in Kattakkada.
  • Video has gained 45,500 views within days.

KERALA: A woman official of Kerala's forest department swiftly and patiently rescued a cobra and a video of it has gone viral. 

The rescue operation at a house in Kattakada was caught on camera and shared online, creating a buzz and earning the official much praise, NDTV reported.

Indian Forest Service officer Sudha Ramen shared the video online, setting it as an example of the fine work women officials in the forest department were doing.

She wrote in the caption: “A brave forest staff Roshini rescues a snake from the human habitations at Kattakada. She is trained in handling snakes. Women force in forest depts across the country is growing up in good numbers.”

The video has racked up over 45,500 views within days. Meanwhile, Roshini has been applauded by several Twitter users for her skills and how easily she handled the snake.