Kate Middleton and Prince William lived in ordinary house together before royal wedding

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge used to live in an ordinary £100-a-week house together

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Kate Middleton and Prince William lived in ordinary house together before royal wedding

Prince William and Kate Middleton, who could take over Windsor Castle after Charles' departure to Buckingham Palace, used to live in an ordinary house together during their years of university, according to report.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who enjoy the life in the grand Kensington Palace now, used to live in a £100-a-week quaint house in the city of St Andrews along with two other friends.

When Kate and William first met they were studying at university together and living in student halls. After building a connection in their first year together the young couple decided to move into quaint house in the city of St Andrews

The house they moved into on 13A Hope Street, cost only £100 a week and was a world away from the palaces they live in with their three children now. 

The house included four bedrooms and a small kitchen where they would reportedly host dinner parties. Inside the house was pretty basic but William was said to use his culinary skills to impress Kate. 

The house has now been put on the market and is no longer used for student accommodation.

Kate Middleton and William were friends when they first moved into the house in their second year but after realising they had the same sense of humour, the two endeared their relationship.