Meghan Markle, Prince Harry’s royal links labeled ‘useless’ without HRH backing

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry’s titled labeled ‘useless’ without backing from the Royal Family as HRH

Web Desk

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s royal titles have been brushed off as being ‘utterly meaningless’ without the Royal Family’s backing as a HRH.

Cele Otnes, a professor of marketing, specializing in the Firm’s branding recently spoke with Express UK, referenced the couple’s attempts at protecting their branding despite having lost the most important HRH backing.

She even branded the attempts ‘meaningless’ and was quoted saying, “I think it's kind of meaningless.”

“If you're not involved in the Royal Family, and you can't use the HRH, and the Queen has said to you, ‘Fine, if you don't want to be involved, you're not involved.’ What does it mean? It’s a nickname you give yourself.”

She even referenced the possibility of Prince Harry losing his title completely after his father Prince Charles takes the throne and questioned, “Who knows if those titles will still be even accessible to them after Charles accedes?”

“They get some superficial benefit from it. But if you aren't a Royal Highness, what does it mean? And if you've given up your property that you were given by the Queen, I don't even know what it means.”