Wendy Williams battles Wells Fargo mental sanity suit with ex-husband’s legal counsel

Wendy Williams turns to the legal counsel representing her ex-husband Kevin Hunter in bid to prove mental sanity

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Wendy Williams battles Wells Fargo mental sanity suit with ex-husband’s legal counsel

Amid the lawsuit to determine Wendy Williams’ sanity and mental health, she has employed help by the same legal team that represented her ex-husband.

This move comes just after the bank locked Williams out of all her accounts under the insistence that she was an “incapacitated person” in need of guardianship.

In order to gain back access to her frozen funds, Williams has turned to Lashan Thomas from Miami Entertainment Law Group for assistance.

This same legal firm handles all of her ex-husband, Kevin Hunter’s financial inclinations, including Hunter Publishing and Head Hunter Productions.

The lawyer even issued a formal notice announcing his complete adherence to attorney-client privilege

According to OK! he claimed, “I'm not representing Wendy and Kevin in an adversarial proceeding. Kevin is not that kind of guy.”

But at the same time, “Whatever is going on with Wendy, I don't disclose to him. I believe in protecting the attorney-client privilege."

In regards to the lawsuit, the attorney also rubbished allegations of Williams having an “unsound mind” and explained, “Wendy is getting hair done, she has a personal trainer that she's working with and she's doing well. It’s been good for her to have a change of scenery in Florida, and it's good for her son to be by her side. That always lights up any parents' life."