February 24, 2022
NEW YORK: An unusual case came to light after doctors discovered a tooth growing inside a man’s nose when he went to a clinic for a check-up after having prolonged breathing issues.
The 38-year-old man had trouble breathing through his right nostril for several years and decided to visit a clinic in Mount Sinai where he was surprised to know the reason behind the issue.
The study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).
After the initial examination, the man got to know that his bone and cartilage — dividing the nasal cavity of the nose — were displaced.
Revealing details about the deviated septum, the doctors further said that he had a “calcified obstruction towards the back of the septum”, according to NDTV.
Every examination revealed something strange, however, it was the CT scan that took everyone by surprise.
After the CT scan, the doctors found out that there has been a tooth growing inside the nasal cavity — which is known as “inverted ectopic tooth” medically.
“On rhinoscopy, a hard, non-tender, white mass was observed in the floor of the right nostril," said the NEJM, reported by NDTV.
"Computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses showed a well-defined, radiodense mass consistent with an inverted ectopic tooth in the nasal cavity."
The patient went under surgery and the doctors were able to remove the tooth, after which he was able to breathe without any complications.
According to the study, the patient had no post-operative issues. “At follow-up three months after surgery, the patient's symptoms of nasal obstruction had resolved,” said the study.