'Now, there is no safe place in Ukraine', says Pakistani mission in its 'fact sheet'

Pakistani Embassy in Ukraine shares “fact sheet” on its evacuation efforts for expatriates and students

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Smoke rises from a Russian tank destroyed by the Ukrainian forces on the side of a road in Lugansk region on February 26, 2022. — AFP
Smoke rises from a Russian tank destroyed by the Ukrainian forces on the side of a road in Lugansk region on February 26, 2022. — AFP

  • Mission says it has been providing accommodation to students in Ternopil and transportation wherever possible.
  • 378 Pakistanis waiting to leave at Ukraine-Poland border crossing; six waiting to leave at Ukraine-Hungary border crossing.
  • Mission reiterates embassy is “making all possible efforts” to evacuate all Pakistani citizens.

Pakistani Embassy in Ukraine while issuing a “fact sheet” on its evacuation efforts stated that at present, there “is no safe place” in the country.

The Pakistani mission shared that there was a community of 4,000 expatriates — mostly married to Ukrainians — have left the country on its advice.

On the other hand, 3,000 Pakistani students were studying in Ukraine out of which 600-700 are currently present in the country while the rest had already left on the advice of the embassy.

“The mission has been providing accommodation to students in Ternopil and transportation wherever possible, especially, from Lviv to border crossings,” said the mission.

Read more: Pakistani students demand safe exit from Ukraine amid Russia conflict

In the “fact sheet”, the embassy shared that a night curfew has been imposed in different cities of Ukraine including Kharkiv, Lviv, and Ternopil. It added that a day-night curfew has also been imposed in Kyiv for the last 24 hours.

The Pakistani mission added that the Ternopil district administration has also “advised people to keep their lights off and remain in safe places”.

“Now, there is no safe place in Ukraine. And even cities like Lviv and Ternopil, which are in the west of Ukraine, have been hit,” said the mission.

The embassy said that “as of today, trains tickets are available from Kharkiv to Lviv and Ternopil”. It added that the majority of the students from Kharkiv have already reached Lviv and departed for the Poland border.

“Pakistanis are being evacuated from Ternopil and Lviv to Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and Romania. The Embassy of Pakistan in Ukraine is coordinating with respective Pakistani missions for onward facilities,” said the embassy.

The mission reiterated that the embassy is “making all possible efforts” to evacuate all Pakistani citizens.

Read more: Govt working to ensure safety of all Pakistanis stranded in Ukraine: ambassador

“The Government of Ukraine is dysfunctional, yet the Embassy is making all-out efforts to facilitate the evacuation of Pakistanis from Ukraine,” said the missioner.

While highlighting its efforts, it also shared that Ambassador Dr Noel Khokhar spoke with Ukraine’s deputy internal affairs minister on Saturday regarding facilitating the exit of Pakistani citizens from Ukraine. The mission has also requested a meeting with the commander of border points on the Ukraine-Poland border where it will highlight the “issue of Pakistanis stuck on the Ukrainian side”.

Results of evacuation efforts

In the results of the evacuation, the mission shared 156 Pakistani citizens have been evacuated. The number includes students, community members, and families of staff.

On the other hand, 378 Pakistani are waiting to leave the country at the Ukraine-Poland border crossing, while six are waiting to leave at the Ukraine-Hungary border crossing.

Students being received Lviv facilitation desk and Ternopil

The mission shared that 15 students from Kharkiv have arrived at the Lviv facilitation desk, while 25 students are coming from Kyiv to Lviv. At least 23 students are coming from Poltava to Lviv and three students coming from different cities have been received at the desk.

Read more: Over 2,400 Pakistanis safely evacuated from Ukraine, says ambassador

On the other hand, seven students have reached Ternopil.

If you’re a Pakistani stuck in Ukraine then the mission has shared the following contact details:

Embassy of Pakistan in Ternopil

Contact details:

00380636968264, 00923329184350, 00380638282984

Focal Point at Kyiv

+38068 1734727

Facilitation Desk in Lviv

+380932197175, +380637019154