March 03, 2022
TEXAS: An American father has become a hero on the Internet after he risked his own life to save his son during a rodeo.
As seen in a video that was uploaded to social media, 18-year-old Cody Hooks could be seen riding an angry bull, but soon after entering the arena, the bull threw him off. He landed on the ground and passed out. NDTV reported.
The bullfighters tried calming the bull after the boy fell unconscious, but they failed to tame the animal.
Sensing the precariousness of the situation, Cody's father — Landis Hook — rushed to rescue his son from the raging bull and lied on top of him to cover him from the bovine's onslaught.
Just then, the angry animal came running towards the father-son duo and hit Landis hard with his horns.
After Cody uploaded the video of the incident on Instagram, netizens praised the father for his heroics.
The teenager had posted the video on his Instagram a month ago, but it only got viral now.
“Big thanks to my dad and the bullfighters last night,” he captioned the video, adding “could’ve been a hell lot worse.”
Users were full of praise in the comments of his video. “Your dad is amazing, that’s a real man,” wrote one user.
"Made me burst out crying," another one wrote.