Queen Elizabeth II dubbed 'Cadbury wrapper' following questionable outfit

The Queen is usually known to put her best foot forward in the fashion department but had once failed to impress

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Queen Elizabeth II dubbed Cadbury wrapper following questionable outfit

The Queen is known to be very thoughtful when it comes to choosing her outfits.

However, she was once involved in a controversy which was highlighted in documentary Secrets of the Royal Palaces.

Royal experts looked back at the notorious moment when the Queen, the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret were snapped, in 1980, at the Queen Mother’s Royal Lodge residence to celebrate her 80th birthday.

The moment was made fun of due to the trio’s outfits which consisted of matching bright blue dresses.

Royal commentators savaged the trio as they appeared to be “Cadbury wrappers”.

Daily Mirror columnist Susie Boniface said: "They’re dressed as though they’re in Cadbury wrappers like Quality Streets or something."

Meanwhile historian Tessa Dunlop said that the royal women looked as if they were part of sci-fi movie Star Trek.

She said: “They look like they should be bit parts in ‘Star Trek’ to be honest.

“The Queen is looking really serious as though she is about to land the Starship Enterprise.

“The Queen Mother has been possessed by Archangel Gabriel.

“She’s got this white halo around her head. After all, nobody is going to say a rude word about the Queen Mother post-1945

“As for Margaret, she is still seducing with those violet blue eyes.”