Prince William, Harry’s royal rift ‘not easily forgotten’ by heir: report

The true broken extent of Prince William, Prince Harry’s ‘broken bond’ brought forward by experts

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Experts believe Prince William and Prince Harry’s is so ‘immense’ that the heir to the throne can’t even hope to “forget about” all that occurred.

Royal commentator and expert, Duncan Larcombe issued this claim just recently.

According to Express UK, he admitted, "It's very clear to those that know William that the rift with his brother is not something that he can just forget about.”

"It's very much, as you can imagine, a constant strain. It is for Harry as well, they're both as stubborn as mules," Mr Larcombe later added.

"Everything else seems to be going right for William at this time, he's riding the crest of a wave in most aspects of his life, but sadly he has the absence of Prince Harry, his brother in his life."