What Prince William really said about war in Africa, Asia leaked: Video

What Prince William really said about the normalized nature of war in Asia and Africa finally revealed in a leaked video

Web Desk

Prince William’s polarizing comments about the war situation in Asian and African countries has finally received an explanation, and it has come in the form of a video that showcases what he actually meant during the visit to the Ukrainian Cultural Centre visit in London.

His real and unedited quote reads, “Everyone is horrified by what they are seeing. It’s really horrifying. The news every day, it’s just, it’s almost unfathomable.”

"For our generation, it’s very alien to see this in Europe. We’re all right behind you. We’re thinking about you. We feel so useless.”

Check it out below:

For anyone unversed with the original quote explained that it was “very alien to see (war) in Europe.”