Fortnite removes building, adds overshield in Resistance

Removes building for players, they can now protect themselves using overshield

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Fortnite's latest season, Resistance, revamped the main game mode by removing the element of "building" in it and adding a protective layer, termed "Overshield", over the players' Shield and Health.

When players load into the game, the screen shows, "All battle, no building."

"Building has been wiped out. It's up to the Resistance to get it back. Jump in with your squad and help The Seven uncover the Imagined Orders nefarious plan," says the Epic Screen.

Now that players cannot use the building to protect themselves, they are required to make use of the Overshield.

The Overshield protects the players' health and shield. The latter two only take a blow when players have exhausted their Overshield.

This change in the main game does not affect competitive lobbies in Arena playlists, Team Rumble and Creative Islands.

While there is no official statement from Fortnite to indicate how long the removal of building will last, a prominent leaker wrote on Twitter that this change should reversed within a week.

This new change was not totally unanticipated for all players. Some could guess that this change was coming after catching up on the subtle hints provided in the Chapter 3 Season 2 trailer.