Prince William facing a ‘severely wounding series of PR disasters'

Prince William, Kate Middleton struggling following ‘severely wounding series of PR disasters'

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Experts believe Prince William and Kate Middleton is suffering from a ‘severely wounding series of PR disasters'.

This allegation has been made by The Mirror’s Russell Myers and according to his allegation, "The excitement that normally accompanies one of these trips was swiftly replaced with intense nervousness. A series of PR blunders that should have been easily navigated has left the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s ­reputation severely wounded.”

"As the heavens opened in Nassau today it could have been an ­unfortunate metaphor for the dark cloud that hung over the tour. But back to doing what they do best, William and Kate spoke from the heart to key workers who had battled through the pandemic.”

He also added, "And they partook in a traditional ­walkabout outside the senate building, with Kate delighting the crowd by cooing at a baby and shimmying to a drum band.”

"But it is other images that have ­dominated – such as shaking hands with children through metal fences and riding around in an open-top Land Rover – that will have caused potentially ­irreparable damage to brand royal, certainly in a region where anti-monarchy ­sentiment is growing."

Before concluding Mr Myers added, "In part, William and Kate were not to blame. Instead, they were left to fend for themselves by others lacking the ­experience and foresight to see obvious pitfalls of operating in such an environment that requires added sensitivity."