Chris Rock hit bully with a 'brick' in school: 'We thought he might die'

Chris Rock was 'bullied' for being black and short during school life

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Chris Rock talked about being bullied throughout his school life, months before Will Smith slapped him across the face at the Oscars.

Speaking on the episode of Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade, Rock recalled: "Half of the bullying was because I was just a little guy. Then I got bused to school and the bullying was because I was little guy and I was Black. I was getting double bullied."

Rock revealed he got to a point where he thought it was high time to retaliate.

"I went home, I put a brick in a book bag — this is like a legendary story in my neighborhood — I swung that sh-- and smacked the guy in the face with this brick and stomped on him, Joe Pesci-style, to the point that we thought he might die," Rock told hosts

"Long story short, from that day on, as my shrink puts it to me, you have been scared to be angry ever since," he said. "The guy you saw was bending over backwards to be nice because I was so scared of my anger."

Talking about a session with his therapist right after the incident, the comedian revealed he was told bitter truth about his life.

"This guy brought something out in you and you're so scared of that thing coming out of you again that you let the whole world walk all over you. Your friends walk over you, your friends walk over you, your female relationships — everybody just f—s you over."

"I'm not scared of letting people know how I feel about certain things," he shared. "Now, I can say, 'Hey I don't like what you said to me,' without losing my head, without hitting someone on the head with a frickin' brick."