Prince Philip’s memorial service leaves Princess Charlotte ‘overwhelmed, intimidated’

Body language experts point out how ‘intimidated’ Princess Charlotte felt at Prince Philip’s memorial service

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Prince Philip’s memorial service leaves Princess Charlotte ‘overwhelmed, intimidated’
Prince Philip’s memorial service leaves Princess Charlotte ‘overwhelmed, intimidated’

Body language experts have just weighed in on how “overwhelmed and intimidated” Princess Charlotte appeared at Prince Philip’s memorial service.

Psychotherapist and body language expert Nick Davies offered this observation recently.

According to the Daily Star, she noted how ‘intimidated’ Princess Charlotte appeared to be feeling as she approached the venue for Prince Philip’s memorial.

According to the body language expert, “Charlotte looks down showing she is feeling a bit overwhelmed and slightly intimidated.”

Before concluding she also noted that it's “Likely from the amount of people and noise from the ringing bells, whilst scanning her eyes side to side in anticipation and then moves her right shoulder up seeking self comfort before meeting the clergymen.”