Queen Elizabeth's interesting habit revealed

The Queen leaves little notes on her plate for her chefs

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Queen Elizabeths interesting habit revealed

Queen Elizabeth II has been known to live her life adhering to a number of strict rules and regulations.

Former royal chef Darren McGrady, who spent more than a decade cooking for The Queen, has revealed some of the Royal Family’s more unusual habits at meal times.

Speaking to Coffee Friend, Darren spoke about the strict process at the palace: “The Queen picked her own menu. There was quite a regimented process and The Queen stuck with a lot of the same dishes throughout the week. If we had a new recipe for a dish, we would have to send the whole recipe up to The Queen and she would look through it.”

Darren even revealed the ingenious and discreet way The Queen would communicate to the kitchen staff: “There was one time I forgot to send a new recipe to Her Highness. It was at Balmoral and during the strawberry season. I’d sent up the new dish with a regular dish and a note came back to the kitchen.

“That’s how The Queen communicated with us and it read, 'Who or what are the veiled farmer’s daughters?' That was the name of the dish. It was strawberries with a cinnamon muesli on the top, which she ended up eating once she knew what it was.”

Darren - who cooked for Princess Diana, Prince William and Prince Harry for a number of years - also revealed that The Queen is known to have quite the sweet tooth: “The Queen was definitely a chocaholic, she loves dark chocolate,” he said.