Amber Heard 'spat' in former assistant's face for requesting pay rise, claims witness

Amber Heard former assistant exposes her rage in new testimony

Web Desk

Amber Heard former assistant is testifying against the star during latest hearing amid legal feud with former husband Johnny Depp.

Katherine James, who worked for Heard from 2012 to 2015, confesses that she was poorly treated and was a victim of the actresses' 'blind rage' multiple times during her employment.

Talking about her work duties, James confessed that she was responsible for doing everything that is needed 'to run someone's life.'

When asked for a pay rise, James reveals that Heard spat on her face.

"[She] leapt up out of her chair and put her face about four inches from my face, spitting in my face, saying how dare I ask for that salary."

Katherine went on to add that she received "barrages of abusive text messages" which did 'not really make sense.' 

When Heard finally fired her in 2015, James confesses that she was left in a "bit of shock".

James said that Amber got "very angry" and went "absolutely ballistic" when she forgot to hide magazine copies from then-husband Johnny Depp.

Johnny Depp is suing his ex-wife for libel and is seeking $50 million over a writing piece, where she confessed to being subject to domestic violence in Washington Post in 2018.