Rihanna's boyfriend A$AP Rocky detained at Los Angeles International Airport in connection to shooting

A$AP Rocky was reportedly under investigation by the Los Angeles Police Departments for allegedly shooting a man

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Rakim Mayers, known as A$AP Rocky, was detained on Wednesday at Los Angeles International Airport in connection to a November 2021 shooting, according to reports.

 Rihanna's boyfriend was arriving on a private plane from Barbados, where he had been on vacation with his girlfriend Rihanna.

The rapper had been under investigation by the Los Angeles Police Departments for allegedly shooting a man on a Los Angeles street last year.

The shooting reportedly told police that the rapper, who was walking with two others, approached him with a handgun on the street. The victim claimed Rocky shot at him three to four times and believed one of the bullets grazed his left hand, according to reports.

Police detained A$AP Rocky at Los Angeles International Airport on Wednesday for allegedly shooting a man last year.