Meghan Markle wanted Diana-like celebrity status, forgot 'one critical factor'

Meghan Markle's husband is sixth in-line to the royal throne

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Meghan Markle wanted Diana-like celebrity status, forgot one critical factor
Meghan Markle wanted Diana-like celebrity status, forgot 'one critical factor'

Meghan Markle hoped to take over Diana's fame after marrying Prince Harry, forgetting the royal line of succession, notes an author.

Tina Brown in her new book The Palace Papers notes: "In the ranking system of the entertainment world, star power — wattage — equals leverage ... Alas, she seemed oblivious to the one critical factor that would determine the outcome of her plans for the future: primogeniture."

Meghan did not fathom that her success and fandom could never outshine the Cambridges, who are directly in line to the thrown. In order of ranking, the Duchess of Sussex comes much later than Camilla and Kate.

Now that Prince William has three children, Prince Harry's royal rank has gone further down in the family, making him sixth-in line.

Mr Brown notes "when Kate became Queen, Meghan would have to curtsy to her". 

Meghan miscalculated her role in the family back when she married Harry, adds the author. 'Oblivious' of her rank, she wanted to step on other royals with her humanitarian gigs.