Prince William shift from 'sloppy teenager' to 'self-confident' future King discussed

Prince William will turn 40 in the upcoming months

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Prince William shift from sloppy teenager to self-confident future King discussed
Prince William shift from 'sloppy teenager' to 'self-confident' future King discussed

Prince William personality and growth have been analysed by royal expert ahead of his 40th birthday.

Robert Jobson in his column for Daily Mail writes how the Duke of Cambridge has become mature and responsible overt time.

"The sight of the floppy-haired teenager walking so solemnly behind his mother’s coffin is one that few will ever forget," begins Jobson.

"But that same boy, Prince William, will be 40 in June. It’s an age that is in the foothills of middle age, the prime of a man’s life – a good time to assess what Britain’s monarch-in-waiting is really like.

He continued: "As a royal author and reporter for more than 30 years, I’ve met William many times. I’ve watched him develop from a slightly awkward young man into one who’s decisive and self-confident.

He adds: "The first thing to be said is that there’s little doubt that William will be a very different sort of monarch from his father or grandmother.

"He changed his son George’s first nappy, still plays five-a-side football (in Aston Villa socks) and believes it would be ‘absolutely fine’ if one of his children told him they were gay.

"Like many of his generation, William is passionately concerned about climate change and about those far less fortunate than himself. Once he inherits the vast Duchy of Cornwall from his father, he says, he’ll look into using Royal property to house the homeless," commends Jobson.