Johnny Depp recalls Amber Heard’s ‘lies’ about having a broken nose

Johnny Depp remembers the moment he realized Amber heard lied about getting a broken nose during a physical fight

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Johnny Depp recalls Amber Heard’s ‘lies’ about having a broken nose
Johnny Depp recalls Amber Heard’s ‘lies’ about having a broken nose

Johnny Depp utilized his time on the stand in a Fairfax Virginia court to address the moment he realized Amber Heard had ‘flat out lied’ about ‘breaking her nose’ during one of their fights.

According to Fox, the actor began by explaining how Amber once attacked him, in his home office and proceeded to accuse Depp of having broken her nose during the altercation.

Immediately after Depp recalls Heard saying, “Way to go, Johnny, you broke my nose.”

However, Depp later admits to having crept inside her bathroom, “I pulled the Kleenex out of the trash bin,” he explained. But “I inspected it pretty closely and realized it was nail polish, nail varnish.”

This claim comes in Depp’s Wednesday admissions where he spoke of his childhood trauma, abuse, and marriage to Amber Heard.