Dust storm hit Quetta

QUETTA: A dust storm has hit the provincial capital and parts of Balochistan from Sunday night.Met Office sources said on Monday that a wind storm kicked up dust, obscuring visibility in several...

Dust storm hit Quetta
QUETTA: A dust storm has hit the provincial capital and parts of Balochistan from Sunday night.

Met Office sources said on Monday that a wind storm kicked up dust, obscuring visibility in several areas of the province. The blowing dusty winds also resulted in delayed flights besides disrupting traffic on roads. They said winds gusting at more than 70 mph churned up a dust storm that roiled through southern and central Balochistan.

They forecast that dust might continue hovering over the Quetta city for next one or two days which could drop temperature. It is pertinent to mention here that traditional new year in Pashtoon and Baloch belts of Balochistan, neighboring countries of Iran, Afghanistan and central Asian states is started from March 21 and during the period from March 21, a nine-day "No-Roz" festival is celebrated. Meanwhile, doctors have warned that dust storm might cause people particularly children to be suffered from respiratory diseases.