Lawyer who defended Amber Heard in 2020 libel case hit by death threats

Jennifer Robinson is still receiving death threats two years after defending Amber Heard

Web Desk
Lawyer who defended Amber Heard in 2020 libel case hit by death threats
Lawyer who defended Amber Heard in 2020 libel case hit by death threats

Australian lawyer, Jennifer Robinson recently revealed that she is still receiving death threats two years after defending Amber Heard in Johnny Depp's 2020 libel case against The Sun.

Soon after the verdict in Depp's 2022 case against Heard was given, netizens rushed to Robinson's social media account and bombarded the comment section of her posts with hate-filled messages.

One user wrote, "Anyone who supports Amber Turd deserves to rot in prison."

Another user wrote, "Jen, tell Amber Heard that me and all my female friends love Johnny Depp more than ever."

"It's sad how an educated lovely woman supports an awful woman who lies and abuses human beings," another comment read.

Daily Mail also reported that "one particularly vile comment suggested Ms Robinson take her own life."

Amidst the prevailing hate against Robinson, a well-known Australian defamation attorney Rebekah Giles voiced her support for the lawyer.

"Jen Robinson is an accomplished and brilliant lawyer. She is being unfairly subjected to gendered abuse for simply doing her job," she told the Sydney Morning Herald.