WATCH: Man successfully scares away crocodile by hitting it with frying pan

Australian man says the saltwater crocodile had eaten his pet dog

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A man in Australia confronts a crocodile and hits it with a frying pan. — Twitter/TrendingNewsForYou
A man in Australia confronts a crocodile and hits it with a frying pan. — Twitter/TrendingNewsForYou

Unique and wild creatures like kangaroos and crocodiles are familiar to many Australians, even though many might fear them.

However, in a new viral video, Kai Hansen, owner of Goat Island Lodge in Australia, is shown fearlessly hitting a crocodile on its snout with a frying pan. Immediately, the crocodile is seen scurrying to the river.

The video has gone viral on social media platforms and received many positive reactions and funny comments from users.

In an interview, Hansen, also known as “King Kai”, told 9News that his lodge is surrounded by crocodiles.

“I wouldn’t say it’s an everyday event, but I’ve got to stay safe and do what I can,” Hansen told The Daily Mail. “No one got hurt and the croc got a good lesson,” he added.

Hansen mentioned that he recognized the crocodile from a previous encounter in which the crocodile ate his pet dog, Dumb Blonde.