Meghan Markle is a 'fair boss', will 'move forward' form bullying drama: Insider

Meghan Markle never bullies anyone who worked at the Palace

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Meghan Markle is a fair boss, is happy to move forward after bullying probe: Insider
Meghan Markle is a 'fair boss', is 'happy' to move forward after bullying probe: Insider

Meghan Markle is elated that she had been clear from defamatory bullying claims, says insider.

Speaking to Us Weekly, a source revealed that the Duchess of Sussex is ready to move forward with her life after a stressful past year.

The source was quoted saying: “Meghan is a fair boss and never bullied anyone who worked for her at the Palace in the first place.

“She’s happy that her name has been cleared from the defamatory claims.”

They added: “She and Harry are looking forward to putting the incident behind them and are happily moving on with their lives in Montecito.”

The source said of the Buckingham Palace HR Policy: “The recommendations have been incorporated within policies and procedures wherever appropriate and policies and procedures have changed.

“So all members of staff, all members of the royal family will be aware of what the policies and procedures are, the revised policies and procedures.”

In 2021, Meghan was accused of mistreating royal staffers in UK back when she got married to Prince Harry in 2018.

The Duchess of Sussex is said to have bullied her staff members into leaving their jobs. An investigation was personally then funded by the Queen to look into the matter.